When an employee is terminated from their job, it can be a very stressful and confusing experience. If you believe that you were wrongfully terminated, it is important to understand what qualifies as wrongful termination so that you can take the appropriate legal action. Keep reading to learn more about wrongful termination, how to protect your rights if you have been wrongfully terminated from your job, as well as how the right wrongful termination lawyer in NJ can help.
Defining Wrongful Termination in New Jersey
Wrongful termination is an important concept to understand and consider when working in New Jersey, as it is illegal for employers to terminate an employee with any discriminatory motivations. Wrongful termination can be claimed under a range of different laws, including discrimination laws, whistleblower protection laws, and wage laws. Those who feel that they have been wrongfully terminated should seek a wrongful termination lawyer in NJ right away to explore their options.
At-Will Employment vs. Contract Employment
At-will employment and contract employment are two types of hiring arrangements available in New Jersey. Employees who are employed will have more flexibility than those working under a contract, as they can be terminated or have their hours reduced with minimal explanation and notice. On the other hand, employees under a contract enjoy more job security, as their position and wages must be maintained according to the terms of the contract. It is important for residents of New Jersey to know what type of arrangement they find themselves in so that their rights are protected. Knowing your rights ahead of time can also protect you from potential legal disputes down the line.
Exceptions to At-Will Employment
At-will employment gives the employer the freedom to terminate without cause, but there are exceptions. Employees are still protected from wrongful termination which is characterized by discrimination based on race, sex, age, or disability status. To ensure that employers follow these rules, it’s important to seek legal help. A wrongful termination lawyer in NJ can investigate any wrongful termination claim and advise employees on their options. Ultimately this helps protect employees who may not be aware of all their rights under the law.
Factors that May Contribute to a Wrongful Termination Claim
Some factors that could contribute to wrongful termination include age, gender, race, religion, or national origin, retaliation for whistleblowing, violating an employee’s rights as specified in an employment contract, or wrongful accusations of criminality or misconduct. Employers must take heed and act appropriately or risk having wrongful termination claims filed against them.
Contact a Wrongful Termination Lawyer in NJ if You Think You’ve Been Wrongfully Terminated
If you think you have been wrongfully terminated from your job, then contact the team here at Zat Law. We are a dedicated group of legal experts fighting to protect the rights of employees and workers and get them the compensation they deserve. If you have faced a wrongful termination, contact us to connect with a wrongful termination lawyer in NJ to figure out your rights and next steps.
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